每年都有数以百计的家长、祖父母和校友奉献他们的时间和才能. 安德鲁的.

The school relies on these volunteers to keep our community connected, to mobilize resources to support our mission, 透过演讲或其他教育机会,丰富学生及家长的学习, and to advise the Administration.

There are several volunteer opportunities available for yearly events, 活动, and committees organized by the St. 安德鲁的 Parent Association (此类的)以及需要志愿者支持的教职员工组织的项目. Learn more about these opportunities below. 

If you have any questions, or would like 志愿者 but are not sure where to st艺术, feel free to contact our Director of Parent Relations, 安娜Naab, at 240-477-1990.

志愿者 for Division 事件


  • 较低的学校

    这个晚上的活动包括学生表演和学校传统的节日款待在表演之前和之后. 志愿者s are needed for making St. 安德鲁的 famous shortbreads and peppermint bark, 设置, decorations and selling items the night of the event.

    LS Family Heritage Night
    低年级家庭有机会通过举办带有照片的桌子来庆祝和分享他们的遗产, 艺术, maps and 食物 from the country, state or region they are representing. 志愿者s are needed to help organize and promote the event, 然后是设置, clean-up and provide support during the event.

    低年级与Scholastic Books合作举办了为期一周的书展,家长可以为孩子和教室购买书籍. 需要志愿者在书展上布置、打扫和轮班工作.

    LS Young Authors and Artists Week
    文学和艺术在这个为期一周的活动中由低年级庆祝. A children's author will visit, 家长将被邀请参加早茶活动,让学生展示自己的创意技能, and a used book drive is ongoing throughout the week. 志愿者需要帮助组织和推广活动,并在活动期间提供支持. 志愿者s are also needed to help with decorating and hanging 艺术work.

    点击这里 志愿者.
  • 中学

    MS/US Spring Visual Art Show
    Assist the Visual 艺术 dep艺术ment in preparing the MS/US Spring Art Show. The committee will meet 2-3 times before the exhibit to plan, 设置, and identify judges for the show. No experience or 艺术 skills required!

    Support the 中学 Musical in May by helping with costumes, 道具, 项目, ticket sales and/or refreshments.

    点击这里 志愿者.
  • 上学校

    上学校 BBQ for Students
    这个十月的活动是美国学生精神周的高潮,也是返校周末的前夜. 志愿者s are needed to assist in 设置 and clean-up.

    MS/US Spring Visual Art Show
    Assist the Visual Art program 准备 the MS/US Spring Art Show. The committee will meet 2-3 times before the exhibit to plan, 设置, and identify judges for the show. No experience or 艺术 skills required!

    Support the 执行ing 艺术s by helping with costumes, 道具, 项目, ticket sales and/or refreshments. 10月的戏剧表演或2月的音乐表演需要志愿者帮忙.

    点击这里 志愿者.

志愿者 for 社区活动


  • 同学会

    在十月举行, 同学会 是一个庆祝学校精神的日子,通过散步来支持华盛顿地区的无家可归者, followed by sporting events, 食物, games and fun for the whole family. 在庆祝期间,需要义工协助监督各方面的工作.

    点击这里 志愿者.
  • Grandparents and Special Friends Day

    Grandparents and Special Friends Day 带祖父母和特别的朋友来学校参加早上的课程和教堂礼拜. 志愿者s are needed to help with 设置, check-in, and serving breakfast.

    点击这里 志愿者.
  • St. 安德鲁的 for the Holidays

    帮助圣. 安德鲁正在为节日做准备,把校园布置成节日风格! 分享烘烤kok软件著名的酥饼饼干和薄荷皮的伟大传统,并为假日销售做好准备. 这些和其他物品正好可以在假期前买到!

    点击这里 志愿者.
  • Fund-a-Scholar联欢晚会

    St. 安德鲁的年度 Fund-A-Scholar Gala takes place annually in March. 请联系 安娜Naab for more information on this community event. 该活动包括在线无声拍卖、现场拍卖和社区晚宴. 在物品征集、市场营销和/或装饰方面需要协助.

    点击这里 志愿者.
  • 红气球计划

    In mid-March, help welcome newly enrolled families into the St. 安德鲁的 community by decorating their mailboxes with SAES balloons. 这一天的活动充满乐趣,是展示学校精神的完美方式! 日期待定.

    点击这里 志愿者.
  • Flower M艺术 at Washington National Cathedral

    五月的第一个星期五和星期六在华盛顿国家大教堂举行. St. 安德鲁的父母也有在古董旋转木马卖票的传统.

    点击这里 志愿者.

志愿者 for Year Round Committees


  • 一天完成

    这个项目为那些日程难以预测的家长提供了一次性志愿服务的绝佳机会. From administrative tasks, 邮寄帮助, to 设置/clean-up/p艺术icipation for events or take home projects, there are many ways to lend a hand and show your support for the school.

    点击这里 志愿者.
  • Faculty/Staff Appreciation

    请帮助kok软件向这所伟大学校的教职员工表达kok软件对他们的感激之情. This committee produces various small events throughout the year, including Teacher Appreciation Week. 职责可能包括计划,烹饪/烘焙,装饰,工艺和设置/清洁.

    点击这里 志愿者.
  • 狮子基金 Grade Captains

    This volunteer opportunity offers the chance for fun, a little competition and a HUGE impact on every student's experience at St. 安德鲁的. 狮友基金班队长在kok软件每年的两次捐赠活动中工作, 一次在12月,另一次在5月,向同年级的家长募捐给狮子会基金. kok软件的目标始终是家长100%参与kok软件的年度捐赠计划,这一角色有助于kok软件实现这一目标. 
    请电子邮件 阿德里安·麦克唐纳 如果感兴趣! Thank you in advance!
  • 家长对家长

    Build connections among parents through various community events. 志愿者s help to plan and organize events throughout the year.

    点击这里 志愿者.
  • 学校的商店

    The 学校的商店 sells school supplies and spirit items. 根据需要,志愿者协助店内销售和库存.

    点击这里 志愿者.
  • Student Center Cafe

    学生中心咖啡厅正在寻找最多两名家长志愿者,从周五下午3:30开始工作.m. 至下午五点半.m. and some Wednesday mornings from 8:30 a.m. 到晚上九点半.m.

    点击这里 志愿者.

志愿者 for Special Interests


  • Bokamoso

    St. 安德鲁的学生通过kok软件与温特菲尔德的博卡莫索生活中心的合作,体验了一种变革性的跨文化交流, 南非. 志愿者s are needed to help support the Bokamoso 在1月份的早午餐筹款活动和/或在他们访问圣. 安德鲁在一月份.

    点击这里 志愿者.
  • 此类的领导

    St. 安德鲁的 Parent Association (此类的) is organized to promote, support, and enhance the total school program. kok软件这样做的方法之一是自愿担任执行委员会的职位, an event committee chair, or grade level representative. If you are interested in finding out more, let us know!

    点击这里 志愿者.

校友 志愿者 Opportunities


  • 校友 Opportunities

    志愿者s play a vital role in the alumni community. 他们在保持班级成员与学校和彼此之间的联系方面发挥了重要作用, and in supporting the many events, 项目, and initiatives of the 校友 Association. 点击这里 to learn more about alumni volunteer opportunities.
St. 安德鲁的 Episcopal School is a private, 男女同校的大学预备走读学校,为学前班(2岁)到12年级的学生提供服务, 位于波托马克, 马里兰.