
圣的使命. 安德鲁的 Episcopal School is to know and inspire each child in an inclusive 社区 dedicated to exceptional teaching, 学习, 和服务.

圣公会在圣. 安德鲁的

We live our Episcopal identity through five habits of heart and mind:

kok软件相信上帝呼召kok软件去爱. 因为kok软件把每一个学生都看作是上帝的孩子, we care about them not merely as students who need to pass their courses and get on with life, 而是作为复杂的人类,他们的思想, bodies and spirits need to be nurtured and supported because they are God’s hope for a future generation. The love we practice as an Episcopal school reveals itself in sacrifice, 耐心, 说真话和, 引用St。. Paul, a willingness to build one another up and to bear one another's burdens. It is a love that both sets expectations and practices forgiveness, each in equal measure. 总而言之,kok软件彼此关心. As an Episcopal school, we place love at the center of our life together.
kok软件每周都聚在一起做礼拜. The purpose of chapel is to balance the hectic pace of school life with a weekly rhythm that includes pause, 祈祷, and reflection on those things and those relationships that matter most in life. Chapel is about making time each week to thank God for what we have, 在祷告中支持彼此的需要和关心, to sing in joy and celebration for the blessings of this life, 分享有意义和目的的故事. 也许是最重要也是最反文化的, chapel is where we regularly remember to be mindful of the presence of something larger than ourselves. For these reasons our chaplains and our connection to the Episcopal Diocese of Washington are essential parts of our school’s identity.
kok软件努力成为一个欢迎的地方. Just as love of neighbor is one cornerstone of Episcopal identity, 对陌生人的热情好客是另一回事. 圣公会学校有意实行多元化. Our school welcomes the perspectives of other faiths and knows that we are better for their presence. We invite all who attend and work in our school both to seek clarity about their own deepest beliefs and to honor their convictions, 不管是什么, 在自己的生活中更加充实和忠诚. We believe that authentic interfaith conversation is most fruitful when each of us is clear about, 并且忠实于, kok软件是谁. Our Anglican tradition is a beautiful and rich one that we are eager and committed to share. In sharing it we strive mightily to be as graceful and inclusive as we can to make room for all in our 社区.
服务是kok软件圣公会身份的核心. kok软件所服务 with deep conviction that we find our true identity as God's people precisely when we abandon our self-centered agendas to encounter and serve the other. In serving the other we learn that both the server and the served are transformed in unexpected and wonderful ways. Indeed, we learn that in serving the other we more often than not meet God. This is why service 学习 is at the center of our curriculum. 通过服务, our students discover that they can change the world and that their service and those they serve change them for the better as well.
We value both faith and reason, and we cherish the life of the mind. kok软件的信仰是寻求理解. We are eager to question and to explore the most fundamental questions in life. This is why the academic study of religion is integral to our curriculum. 作为一个独立的圣公会学校, we enjoy the freedom and exercise the responsibility to engage our students in talking openly about God and the good life. kok软件欢迎寻求者、怀疑者、怀疑论者和无神论者. kok软件相信,如果kok软件在开放的基础上建立kok软件的社区, 诚实的, 好奇的, 谨慎而有礼貌的提问, 真相终会大白. Our aim is to equip students’ minds with the skill and their hearts with the desire to find meaning, 宣称自己的精神身份, and to articulate their convictions with a balance of clarity, 慷慨, 和谦卑.
kok软件爱. kok软件敬拜. kok软件欢迎. kok软件所服务. kok软件的问题.
These five habits of heart and mind are at the core of kok软件是谁 as an Episcopal school.

经政府批准. 2014年12月15日,安德鲁董事会成员


圣. 安德鲁的 Episcopal School are institutional values: all students, 教师, 工作人员, and alumni aspire to embody these values for the advancement of the school, 社区, 和世界.



kok软件作为圣. 安德鲁的社区-students, 教师, 政府, and parents—believe in and agree to uphold the values of 诚实的y, 平等, 信任, 尊重. It is our common responsibility to preserve these ideals by our actions.
St. 安德鲁圣公会学校是一所私立学校, coeducational college preparatory day school for students in preschool (Age 2) through grade 12, 位于波托马克, 马里兰.